Neem Wax | How to make Neem Wax| Hair Removing Wax

I am introducing you a new type of wax which is Neem wax. Neem is very good for our skin. A lot of girls and women are suffering through lot of allergies or reactions because of chemical wax. What if you can pamper yourself very easily at your home without reactions. This homemade Neem and sugar wax not only removes hair from the roots, dead skin but also work as an antiseptic and prevent rashes due to Neem properties.

Ingredients for neem wax

  • 1 cup- sugar
  • 1 cup- neem leave water
  • 1teaspoon – citric acid
Both sugar and neem water should be in the same quantity.

How to make Neem Wax ?

1.Take a pan. Put it on a flame add one glass water and 20-30 leaves Neem leaves and boil it.

boil Neem leaves in water

2. When water remains half, turn the flame off.

3. Strain the Neem water in another pan.

4. Now take another pan or kadhai put it on a flame, add the sugar I am citric acid and Neem water altogether and cook it on the medium flame. Stir it.

5. The quantity of both sugar and Neem water should be equal.

6. Stir the wax on low flame until it boils and becomes foamy.

How to check the string of Neem Wax

7. Keep checking that the wax has become 1-2 strings (1 taar or 2 taar) thicker or not .

8. If you don’t know how to do that. You can take a drop of wax and pour it in a water bowl if it settle down at the bottom, your wax is ready.
9. This wax works well in rainy seasons too unlike chemical wax. If it doesn’t, heat it again and make it 1-2 strings (1 taar or 2 taar) thick.
10. Your homemade wax is ready. Store it in steel or metal containers.
11. It works very well till 1 year or even more.

How to use wax ?

1.Apply talcum powder on your skin before applying wax

2. Apply it in the direction of your hairs, so that you pull them out in reverse direction.

3. You can use thick cotton strips. It works best and are easily washable.


1.You can use two three tablespoon of honey also in your wax with sugar .

2. It removes any length of hairs from the roots.

3. Before applying wax it should be lukewarm.

how to make sugar wax, how to make sugar wax for face, best sugar wax recipe, sugar wax recipe without honey, best sugar wax recipe, sugar wax ingredients, sugaring wax, sugaring wax recipe, how to make Neem wax, Neem wax kaise banaye, Neem wax by Prabha, antiseptic neem wax, organic wax, fruit wax, Orange wax

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